Black History Month and Valentine’s Day

You cannot convince me that there are people who don’t believe in love. I think everyone has a place for love in their soul, and I don’t mean it has to be romantic love. There is love that is compassionate, safe, and makes you feel good inside (some pets are the embodiment of this!). There’s love that blows out and fades, but still holds memories of what was once a blaze. There’s love that borders on obsession, and you only know it when you catch yourself in the act of being obsessed. And if you believe in energy, there is love from the energy of the world, hidden in places, reaching out from our ancestors, and waiting for us to notice it. Which brings me to BHM. There are so many political stabs I can take, but I won’t. I want to keep it positive and surround it with love. So, I will say that if you have not felt in touch with your black history, please look into it now. Maybe you want to go the genetic route and see where your ancestors are from, or follow the family tree to see where the most recent family members were and what they did. It’s important to know that the past doesn’t trap you unless you let it. Black history is rich with culture of music and art, libraries, universities and kingdoms that were well-known and respected. Why not find out if you could be related to the wealthy, intelligent king Mansa Musa? Or maybe your ancestors lived in the great Karanga kingdom of Zimbabwe? Or maybe they read from the oldest library in the world in Fez? How knows, maybe it IS possible! 🙂 So, this month, may you be surrounded by the love here in the present, of friends, family or pets that are good to us and make us better persons. But also may the love coming from your past make you feel proud, appreciated and filled with a new love of who you are!


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