Great News!

Finally, thanks to Erica, Shante and Kianna, I was able into get my original Delilah Dawson site on Facebook ( again. Thank you so much, ladies! I appreciate it. 🙂 Please be sure to check out their pages below, buy their book and maybe even offer up a review.


I am looking forward to ramping up my writing and get a short story out sometime soon (maybe end of the year). I will keep you posted. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to know that in a world where there is so much stress (fires in California, floods in the east coast, politics gone crazy, and on and on) it is a relief to lose oneself in a story that takes you to another world entirely. Please take care of yourself, give yourself a break and treat yourself to a book, a hug, or a moment to let your imagination roam someplace safe. Big hugs!


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